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ACTCIC: Important Days and Celebrations in 2024!

As we exit January, we are happy to share a calendar filled with meaningful events and important days that align with our mission to create a supportive and engaged youth community in Birmingham.
From mental health awareness to celebrating diversity, each event offers a unique opportunity for growth and connection.


27th – Parent Mental Health Day
Parent Mental Health Day encourages understanding and awareness of the importance of parents’ mental health and its impact on the whole family system. Let’s join hands to support the mental well-being of families in our community.


05th – 11th – Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week
The UK’s national week dedicated to raising awareness of sexual abuse and violence. We stand united in spreading awareness and advocating for a safe and respectful environment.
26th – Emotional Health Day
A day for reflection on our emotional well-being and fostering support for one another.


8th – International Women’s Day
Celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness against bias, and take action for equality.
21st – World Poetry Day
An ode to creativity and expression. Let’s embrace the power of words on this World Poetry Day.
31st – Easter
A time for renewal and reflection. As well as new beginnings.

April (Stress Awareness Month)

28th – World Day for Safety and Health at Work
Promoting the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. We know the importance of a safe and healthy work environment.


13th–19th – Mental Health Awareness Week
An opportunity for the entire UK to focus on achieving good mental health. Use #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek to share your experiences and support.

June (Pride Month)

03th–09th – Volunteers Week
Celebrating the contributions of millions of volunteers across the UK. #VolunteersWeek
10th–16th – International Men’s Health Week
Raise awareness of preventable health problems among men. Join the dialogue and encourage early detection and treatment.
17th-21th – Small Charity Week
Highlighting the impact of small charities like us! We appreciate all the support and other organisations that are trying to make a difference in our communities.
22nd – Windrush Day
Commemorating the contributions of the Windrush generation.
30th June – Social Media Day
Engage with us online as we celebrate the power of social media in building connections and communities.


30th – International Day of Friendship
Inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. #InternationalDayofFriendship


9th – Book Lovers Day (Global)
A day for the literary enthusiasts in our community. Many people in our network are incredible authors!
12th – International Youth Day
Empowering and celebrating our young people, the future leaders of our community.
15th – A-Level Results Day
Wishing all the students the best in their academic endeavours.


05th – International Day of Charity
A day to mobilise people for volunteer and philanthropic activities.
10th – World Suicide Prevention Day
A day of worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides. This is very important to us as life is becoming increasingly difficult in the UK.
21st – International Day of Peace
We celebrate this day every year without fail! Peace is what we are all about! Join us in our celebrations this year! #InternationalDayofPeace

October (Black History Month)

04th – World Smile Day
Brighten up someone’s day with a smile. Share your joy using #WorldSmileDay.
10th – World Mental Health Day
Raise awareness of mental health issues and support efforts for mental health. #WorldMentalHealthDay


13th – Kindness Day
Celebrate kindness and increase its value in society. Share your acts of kindness with #WorldKindnessDay and #BeKind.
24th – World Youth Day
Empowering and celebrating our younger generation on a global scale.
11th -15th – Anti-Bullying Week
Raise awareness of bullying among children and young people.
19th – International Men’s Day
Acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of all the men in our community and organisation.


2nd–8th – National Grief Awareness Week
We would like to share some tips on how to cope with grief and the loss of a loved one. #NationalGriefAwarenessWeek.
25th -26th – Christmas/ Boxing Day
Wishing everyone a joyous and festive holiday season
31st – New Year’s Eve
Counting down to a new year filled with possibilities!
Let’s make 2024 a year of empowerment, awareness, and kindness in our ACTCIC community.
Join us in participating and sharing your experiences on these important days throughout the year!

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